Do you post your full gallery online?

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Do you post your full gallery online?

Yes (or I try to)
Total votes: 85

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Post by Cel_F »

Agree. Love seeing all the gorgeous cels/galleries out there. But can also understand for those with huge collections, it'll take a lot of wk/time to put them all up.

As for my own gallery, most of what I have is up there. The ones missing are the newer ones as I still need to buy a scanner since my move overseas :P
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Post by rayd »

I would have to say no, im just too lazy, :sleep3 or as Shikamaru from Naruto would say; this it too troublesome. :emb I can understand there are other reasons not to post, like to spare someones feelings from being hurt needlessly.
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Post by hobbywhelmed »

zerospace - yes, indeedy, your Heero's are drool-worthy too! (The website's very nicely done, too. Loads real fast, very clean.) The FMA sketches ain't shabby, either! Nice choices!
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Post by zerospace »

hobbywhelmed wrote:zerospace - yes, indeedy, your Heero's are drool-worthy too! (The website's very nicely done, too. Loads real fast, very clean.) The FMA sketches ain't shabby, either! Nice choices!
Thanks!! :D :)
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Post by Keropi »

I discovered another reason people don't post their full collection online a few days ago.

Especially for the more mainstream anime series, the more high quality cels/sketches you post from the same anime, the more likely you are to get on SOMEONE's nerves. What I mean is not your "regular" cel collector (which make up nearly all of us here), but the collectors that get annoyed because you are "hogging" all the "good" cels. Sometimes they talk behind your back and sometimes they send you e-mail/feedback.

That's another reason I'm sure a few people don't want to post everything they have online. It's because a few of those troublesome people they've encountered before. I don't mean me. It hasn't happened to me. It's happened to people I've talked with before. It's sad, but it happens.

Yes...don't worry about me Anonymous Senti YJ cel collector. I'm not one of those kinds of people. I won't get mad at you if you post your Senti cels online I promise. :D <----joke. No really. I'm just joking. :D
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Post by Gonzai »

For personal reasons, I post 0% of my gallery online.
Used to post the biggest share of it, other then those
things I was asked not to post online, now I am a
totally private collector. :)
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Post by Baylor »

I post everything online except for what I've been asked not to.

I do see what you're saying, Keropi. I saw it back when I was into DBZ, and I see it now with Inuyasha and Naruto. But I figure oh well. I don't mean to rub others' noses or anything, but I like showing what I have. There's nothing anyone can say that the delete button can't handle.
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Post by Keropi » weird. I hadn't even seen that Rubberslug thread until just now. How about that for a coincidence?

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Post by SME »

I have almost all the cels I have in possession posted. The only exception is the few I haven't ID'd yet or gotten a chance to ID. I've been really busy lately so scanning has taken the backburner for now.

I can understand one's frustration with others and hence their reason for either hiding or taking down their gallery. I was faced with that decision last year, when I too was accused of being a 'hoarder.' I wouldn't have stopped collecting, but I was thinking about pulling my gallery off-line, so that those people wouldn't know what cels I was getting. Then after thinking I said f*** that and continued to keep my gallery online.

It does seem that no matter what, there will be people who are jealous of your collection. Why bring up such childish and adolescent behavior? I don't know, you'd have to ask them. I've never been one to be jealous of someone else's collection, regardless if they got a cel I wanted or not. I actually have a friendly contact list of people I keep constant connection to so that if they ever decide to part with something I want, I know they'll be happy to let me know since we've kept such friendly contact. Unfortunately it doesn't happen that way all the time, and countless bickering, pointless fights and sheer jealousy just seem to overwhelm someone to the point of either leaving collecting or shutting their gallery down to the public.

I respect people's decisions on whether or not to show off their gallery. If they choose to, then that's great, but if they don't, it's no big's their money, their cels, and they are free to do whatever they want with it as they please. :)
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Post by duotrouble »

I try to post everything I have online. I can easily say though that not everything I own is online for 3 main reasons.

1. I don't currently have everything in my possession.

2. I'm just too lazy or too busy to scan.

3. I have a couple of oversized items that don't fit on my scanner. Some of them I have taken digital pictures of and added them. Others I haven't. I have some really beautiful Yu-Gi-Oh sketches that I've never added to my gallery. There are so huge. Digital pictures will not do them justice. Scanning in parts is out of the question too because they are oversized in both length and width. What a hassle that would be! X|

And finally, I do have a couple of items I promised I wouldn't post for x number of months. I'm not one of those collectors that will buy sketches or cels that have to ALWAYS be hidden. I just can't do that. It's not that I'm trying to impress anyone with my gallery. Far from that! It's more that I can be quite scatter-brained at times and know I will forget and post it anyway. :cucu
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Post by hobbywhelmed »

If I can only afford to get a loan on a 3-year-old car, and I see someone rolling around town in a Lexus, would I have the right to call them names for being better off financially, or even demand they hand over the car (and title!) to me? Same diff. The world will always have people who don't come to terms with their own capabilities and capacities.

As much as I don't like getting sniped out of a sketch (and it really hurts more with sketches, I've found! You can always find a fan-artist to do a cel, but some gorgeous linework sketches just can't be reproduced!), as happened yesterday, 6 seconds from the end, once I get past the initial shock, have a Devil Dog and something else I shouldn't eat, and take a look at the beauties I already have, in the long run, I know I'll be happy as a puppy in a playpen to find out that at least it went to a place where I could visit it occasionally, rather than have it drop off into a deep hole into oblivion! (And oblivion includes galleries where you have to beg for the password in order to see a jpg bigger than a GameBoy screen....) :evil:
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Post by sugarcels »

99% of my collection is online. Everything else is totally pointless, such as a sketch of a character's arm or eye. Who really cares about those?

If I kept cels out, my collection would look even more weak and sad compared to some :roll: Heh. Nobody harrasses me and as far as I know nobody is angry or jealous about what I have.

I have NEVER come across a seller who wouldn't want me to post the cel. And I hope I don't, because if I spend all this money, I don't want to be the only one who can see them! What's the fun of buying, say, a $200 cel and keeping it locked up in your dark closet, where nobody knows or cares about it besides you? Poo :^^:
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Post by Sparta101 »

I do not have that many cels so it is easy for me to post them all on my gallery. The reason I post them is so other people can enjoy them and also sell and trade with them. I do not know many people who know what anime is and the only people I know who collect cels are online. I cannot understand why people what to buy a cel then hide it from the world it seems kinda selfish to me.

Even though I love the Guyver and do not intend to sell any of my cels the fact that they are online gives people the chance to offer anything for them and who know maybe I would accept.

I feel cel gallerys like all our rubberslug accounts are chances to offer trade or talk and bond with each other I know other people must be in the same place as I am "you love anime even though no 1 else who lives near you does and people who collect cels are probably the biggest fans of anime." ,but if people do not want to show there cels I would not hate them for it they have won and paid for them so it's there right to choose what they do with them.
Last edited by Sparta101 on Tue Aug 29, 2006 5:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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I try to get around to posting my entire collection online but it never
seems to happen. I have stuff from a long time ago that's still not scanned
and may never be. Honestly, I don't put up everything immediately because
of competition. I've noticed some collectors will look at what you have and
try to go after it as well. So, in the interest of narrowing the competition, I
keep things to myself as long as possible. Other items are just more
troublesome to scan, like framed pieces and pan cels.

I really couldn't care less if people think I'm hoarding or whatever some
people have said. I never receive that kind of feedback but would probably
get a good laugh out of it if I did. If I have the money and want the cel, I'll
go for it. Same goes for other collectors. If I lose, so be it. If they lose, so be it.
It's not a concious decision on my part to "keep cels to myself and not share."
Luckily I collect stuff most people don't want anyway :D Emails suggesting
you are "hoarding" should be deleted and forgotten immediately. What
stupidity inspires people to say or think such things? If you want a cel,
get a second job and make more money. Don't begrudge others just
because you can't afford what you want.

I can totally respect and understand someone's decision to hide their
collection. Many cel collectors don't even have galleries, which is a shame,
but that's their choice. If it leads to stress or ill-will, it's just not worth it.
Cels should be a joyous thing, not a source of harm.
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