2009 Anime-Beta Awards - AWARDS UP!

Area to post questions, comments, and discussions regarding this annual contest.
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Post by Olivier »

I like the design of the awards but I am a bit bothered that the year (2009) is not written anywhere on them. Without this information we just don't know what these awards are. Is it too late for one of the people in charge to add the year on the awards?
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Post by syan »

Thanks for the nifty awards! :)
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Post by MidniteKitten »

Thanks everyone, glad to see that they were generally well recepted. As for Olivier, if you personally have an issue with them not having 2009 on them then I can alter yours to have 2009 on them, it's a simple text on top is all. If anyone else has that problem, again, easy fix, just PM me
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Post by Quacker »

Most Excellent graphics mid.kit :) No problems on my end, you have done a stunning job.
Not at all phased about the date or lackof - besides, if I decided I wished to have the year displayed I could always write it into that gallery section; either as the title or within the text itself.

I now know who I can hire to help redesign the graphics on my business web pages later on down the track :)
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Post by MidniteKitten »

Thank you quacker :D I thought the same thing about the date which is why I didn't add it, usually these types of medals have all the inscriptions on the back anyways XP

Awww >///< I'm flattered! If you ever decide to I'll always be round' ;)

PS> I totally had to say I love your icon, that episode was sweet and frustrating all at the same time
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Post by Nat.R »

@ Olivier: tu fais comme moi, tu mets une catégorie "Anime-Beta awards 2009" dans ton Rubberslug... :wink: comme ça on saura de quelle année il s'agit... :^^:
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Post by Angelic-Lair »

Something was recently brought to our attention regarding the 2009 Beta Awards:

An item was submitted in the 2009 Anime-Beta Awards by someone other than the owner. This item won an award.
The person who submitted the item was contacted, and they admitted to having sold the item in question prior to the start of the 2009 Anime-Beta Awards.
The rules clearly state that "you must physically own all artwork that you submit."
In the past, individuals that violated the rules had their awards taken away. Unless someone has a better suggestion, we are planning to revoke the award won by the item in question. Because it was an item that tied for a place, the rankings will not be affected.
We just thought everyone should know and have an opportunity to comment before we took action.

Thanks! (And sorry for stirring things up again :hurt: )
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Post by JWR »

Well the rules were clearly stated before the contest artwork was submitted. It might be a different story if the cel was sold after the contest started.
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Post by beatrush »

lol like a horror movie villian, this thread refuses to die.
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Post by sensei »

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Post by Keropi »

It's Alive! :D

And some Beta members can't comment any more either because they already signed off on the thread. Lol :^^:
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Post by MidniteKitten »

I'm still on the thread and say the reward be revoked. That is very unsportsman like, I have one hell of a cel from a rare series that I sold, and while I'd love the chance to win an award I know that since I don't own it I can't enter it. Whomever entered it didn't bother to read the rules or was more interested in an award than the actual game. If it was sold after it was entered I'd say let it pass, but if it was entered knowingly already sold then the award needs to be relinquished. Just what I think.
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Post by Nat.R »

if the item was sold at the midle/end of the year 2009??
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Post by cutiebunny »

I think an example needs to be made. You need to follow the rules for the contest or you suffer the consequences.

When we had someone who cast multiple votes during one competition, their entries were disqualified.

I think that all of this entrant's entries need to be disqualified, regardless of whether or not their artwork placed in other categories. It might create more work for MidniteKitten if this entrant's other items placed, but, I think it needs to be done.
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Post by Wendy »

Well, since I'm bored out of my skull, waiting for my scanner to adjust it's lamp for the third time now, I'd thought I'd pester this forum with my presence a little more.

So let me be my provocative and 'incredibly harsh' self once more and say..
cutiebunny wrote:When we had someone who cast multiple votes during one competition, their entries were disqualified.
How pathetic can a person be?

But let me stir the pot a little more and say that I really think this discussion is going to same way.
If you set up rules, simply live by them. If the rules say 'violators' will be disqualified, then disqualify.
But don't turn this into an unnecessary drama.
It's not like this person peed in the Queen Mum's porridge or something.

I really think people are totally missing the point of the Awards.
It's supposed to be FUN.
This is simply a little competition set up by a very small community.
There's no eternal glory to be won, no Nobel worthy achievements, and no employer is going to give you a raise because you won in the Anime-Beta Cel Awards.
Who knows; the cel that won this year may be in the hands of some other collector next year.
Big deal.

But all the drama around it each year is what keeping a lot of collectors from entering or participating.
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